Keighley & Worth Valley Railway

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The Keighley & Worth Valley Railway is a preserved five mile railway, running from the industrial town of Keighley, through Haworth, famous for it's assosciation with the Brontes, to it's terminus at Oxenhope.

Made famous when it was used for the filming of the BBC TV series 'The Railway Children, as well as the EMI film, much of which was shot at Oakworth Station (It kept it's real name in the film), the railway has six superbly restored stations, representing various periods in Britain's Railway Heritage. These range from Oakworth, restored to around 1910 condition, entirely gas-lit and heated by coal fires, through to Keighley which is maintained as it would have looked when it was owned by British Railways. Maintained by volunteers, it is owned by a Preservation Society who can now claim, after more than 30 years of operating the railway, to have successfully run the line for longer than any other owner.

The Railway operates steam trains every weekend throughout the year, including it's famous Santa Specials, not to mention a wide variety of other Special Events, for example Vintage Trains using wooden bodied carriages and Cream Teas in Summer.

Well worth a visit, the Railway allows you to step back in time and sample what life was really like in days gone by.

The Railway is also keen to attract new volunteers, as the task of maintaining and operating the Railway is by no means a small one! New volunteers are always welcome and there are many ways you can get involved, from operating the level crossings, helping out with gardening or painting, through to manning the signalboxes, restoring the locomotives, working your way up to locomotive crew (just like in the old days!) or working on the Stations.

For more information, see the railway's website or give them a ring on 01535 645214

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