A Conversation for Most Haunted - the TV Series

what do you think of the new series?

Post 1

Misty Angel.....missing in action

since the day it started i have been a non-stop fan of most haunted and i never miss it as it is such a great show to watch.

wether you do or don't believe in the afterlife and the actual excistence of ghost you must admit that some of the things that have happened in that show has made you jump abit smiley - yikes plus also question wether there might actually be such things as smiley - ghosts

yes yvette does over re-act abit but that just adds to the programme i think as how would you re-act if you were stuck in a dark and supposedly haunted room on your own as i know i'd be terrified smiley - laugh

so keep bringing us those haunted locations and good work the most haunted team!

what do you think of the new series?

Post 2

Star Fleet...

boo !! smiley - ghostsmiley - run

what do you think of the new series?

Post 3

Misty Angel.....missing in action

smiley - yikes

oiii smiley - grr

smiley - borg come ere you smiley - run

what do you think of the new series?

Post 4

Star Fleet...

hello smiley - biggrinsmiley - run

what do you think of the new series?

Post 5

Misty Angel.....missing in action

smiley - biggrin hello ya self! smiley - smoochsmiley - run

what do you think of the new series?

Post 6

Star Fleet...

smiley - loveblush

what do you think of the new series?

Post 7

Misty Angel.....missing in action

why you smiley - blushing smiley - evilgrin

smiley - ticklesmiley - ticklesmiley - tickle

what do you think of the new series?

Post 8

Star Fleet...

smiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - somersaultsmiley - rofl

what do you think of the new series?

Post 9

Misty Angel.....missing in action

awwww bless ya not shy are ya. smiley - biggrin

what do you think of the new series?

Post 10

Star Fleet...

sometimes smiley - biggrin

what do you think of the new series?

Post 11

Misty Angel.....missing in action

ooooooooh a shy one eh smiley - bigeyes

want me to corrupte you smiley - evilgrin as i've been told i have a great knack for lowering the tone! smiley - rofl

what do you think of the new series?

Post 12

Star Fleet...

yeah smiley - oksmiley - laugh

what do you think of the new series?

Post 13

Misty Angel.....missing in action

smiley - cool i finally got one to corrupte smiley - biggrin

what do you think of the new series?

Post 14

Star Fleet...

smiley - biggrin

what do you think of the new series?

Post 15

Misty Angel.....missing in action

right first rule of corruption is flirt like crazy with anything that has a pulse smiley - rofl

second rule is plenty of innuendos in the conversation. smiley - devil

and the third and final rule is just have a bloody good laugh with it all! smiley - biggrin

what do you think of the new series?

Post 16


never mind the new series!! the whole lot is brilliant & i love yvette to bits
there are too many know it alls who dismiss ghosts as not existing 99% of these so called experts have most likley never seen one!!!
having had one uncanny experience myself back in 1998 i have got to believe that persons do not cease to exist at death
anyway thats my veiw 60 years ago people laughed at the thought of men going to the moon!!!
smiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smiley

what do you think of the new series?

Post 17

Quinctilius Varus

Did anyone see the flying spoon incident on the last live effort from "Most Haunted"? Paranormal or Foul play - any opinions?

what do you think of the new series?

Post 18


paranormal of course!!
most haunted has too much to lose doing silly tricks like special effects it would finish the show if they tried it and it backfired
ive experienced a glass flying of a table when my sister & friends were conducting a seance back in 1971

what do you think of the new series?

Post 19

Quinctilius Varus

I agree it would be utter stupidity for the MH team to fake it. However, it only takes one individual to act alone, without the knowledge of the others to play a prank like this. I am not saying that this was the case but certainly a possibility.

what do you think of the new series?

Post 20


but the things derek comes up with are amazing!!

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