A Conversation for Most Haunted - the TV Series

Most haunted

Post 1

Researcher 229851

I am truly discusted and annoyed at what was said on here.
Firstly- the "orbs" are not just seen by the camera's- they are seen by the crews eyes too. You obviously havent heard Yvette's famous saying, "Did anybody else see that!?"
Secondly- Derek is NOT camp, and he is doing his job right. He doesnt know the stories before hand, because thats the whole point- he gets the information psychicly.
Thirdly- Yvette is brave. Yes- she might loose it sometimes.... but thats natural.
And the presenters are NOT gullible. I'm am shocked and appalled at what was said on here!
I am only 14, but I have more sense than to diss such a good show in such an arrogant and rude way!!!


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