A Conversation for The Green Bay Packers; A Real American Football Team

Hello from the Green Bay viewing area

Post 1


Hello. I see you're changing this article, and I don't know what kind of status it is in right now... Anyway, as a resident of NE Wisconsin, near Green Bay (and a Packers fan OF COURSE), I'd love to help out.

I'll start by saying that since I have moved here I noticed that all the local news channels ALWAYS have a story about the Packers every day, regardless of whether it is football season or not. Who got traded or injured, what Brett Favre is doing, what kind of food to take to the stadium parking lot before the game, how much ticket scalpers charge...

I used to live in Cincinnati, and I remember Bengals stories on TV there, but not nearly so much in the off-season, so I guess it is a local phenomenon.smiley - smiley

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Hello from the Green Bay viewing area

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