A Conversation for 24 Lies a Second: The Fast and the Numinous


Post 1

aka Bel - A87832164

Thank you for another brilliant review (or two in one, as it is).
That goat film sounds fascinating, but it's not a film I'd easily find company for to go and watch.


Post 2


What, a film with no dialogue, plot, or main character? Is this not what everyone is demanding? smiley - smiley (But as I mentioned, the viewing I attended was absolutely packed out...)

I've no idea how widely it's being distributed, even in the UK. The fact it could play in any country in the world without needing any modifications whatsoever should help its cause, though...


Post 3

aka Bel - A87832164

It sounds fascinating, and we have cinemas here which show such niche films. trouble is, I usually only find out by chance what is on where.


Post 4


The mind boggles when even attempting to contemplate which niche a film like this belongs in... :D

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