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The Diplomatic Security Service (DSS) is a relatively unknown law enforcement agency with in the US Department of State (DoS). There primary mission is to ensure the security of US personnel and property at embassies and missions around the world. DSS Special Agents protect the Secretary of State, the US Ambassador to the UN and visiting dignitaries below the head of state level 1 when they visit the United States. They also investigate passport and visa fraud, conduct personnel investigations and grant clearances to DoS employees.

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As federal agents who are work all over the world, they are in a natural position to pursue leads in worldwide investigations. In order to secure their embassies, they have close contacts with local law enforcement agencies all over the world. They use these contacts to help them primarily with terrorism investigations and to some extent to help other agencies.

Although the FBI received the credit, DSS agents actually found and arrested Ramzi Ahmed Yousef, the architect of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. Special Agents Bill Miller and Jeff Riner were given a tip by an associate of Ramzi Yousef about his location. They contacted local officals and arrested Yousef.


Before the United States entered World War I, German and Austrian spies were conducting operations in New York City. The spies were using forged or stolen identity papers. President Woodrow Wilson authorized the Secretary of State to establish a security arm of the Department of State. The DSS was established in 1916 as the Bureau of Secret Intelligence. Three agents were recruited from the United States Secret Service2 because of their experience with counterfiet documents. Since the Postal Inspectors had the best lab, the director of the new agenciy was recruited there.

In 1918, Congress passed a law that required passports for American citizens traveling abroad and visas for people entering the United States. The Dpeartment of State issued the passports and visas, so the new agencey was charged with passport and visa fraud.

In the late 70s and the early 80s, there were over 100 terrorist attacks against Americans abroad. American embassies were bombed. Admiral Bobby Inman led a commission that reviewed the security arrangments of the Department of State. As a result, the Bureau of Diplomatic Security (DS) and the DSS were established in 1985. The DSS was structured as a law enforcement agencey.

1Heads of state are protected by the United States Secret Service (USSS).2The USSS is the lead agency for counterfiet currency investigations.

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