A Conversation for Block One - Getting There

I don't care if you're always right, but...

Post 1

Mu Beta

...Surely the answer to No. 3 is the wrong way round. Look at the initials smiley - winkeye

The smart alecking hasn't stopped yet.smiley - nahnah


I don't care if you're always right, but...

Post 2

Lighthousegirl - back on board

Hmmm havent I heard that somewhere before ...

* passes another smiley - toffeeapple *

I don't care if you're always right, but...

Post 3

Mu Beta

*Puts it in the corner with his collection of plungers*

Can I start on the atomic explosion now?

smiley - run


I don't care if you're always right, but...

Post 4

Lighthousegirl - back on board

smiley - tongueout

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