The (Pythonesque) Cheese Shop

4 Conversations

Finally Open For Business!

As you walk down the street, You start to feel extremely hungry, so you drop into the local cheese shop (which you've never been to before) Stuck on the window is a small sign, saying somthing along the lines of "Help Wanted - Apply Within"

As you step through the door, the first thing that catches your attention is the bazookie (is that the right spelling?) player in the far corner of the room. Next, is the slowly growing crowd of people patiently waiting to be served. In the other corner is a largish counter with a couple guys (Just Justin and Master B)standing behind it, obviously serving.

"Ah! Hello! Welcome to the National Cheese Emporium. What can I do for you, sir? Peckish, Eh? well, What would you like?..."

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