The Power of Knowledge

1 Conversation

As you know, knowledge is power. In order to find out how powerful you are, answer as many of the following questions as possible. (Of course, by the end of this, I’ll be the most powerful being in the Universe, and I will take over, AHAHAHAHAHAHA etc., but have a go anyway.) Post the answers to any questions you can be bothered to answer in the forum for this page, and you could win... A LIFETIME SUPPLY OF OXYGEN!!! Be the envy of all your friends, if you have any. Here we go, well, you go, I'll just sit back and relax...

If x=6 and y=42, what is the average price of a slice of cheese in Beijing?

If somebody’s lost their marbles, why don’t they just look behind the sofa? Everything that’s lost goes down there, even your virginity.

What is the average weight of a teenage American girl?

Noel Edmonds: how can an individual be so bloody annoying?

Why did the chicken cross the road?

Does your child get spoilt if you don’t keep it in the fridge?

If you’re called Gail, do you have a serious problem with wind?

If Julius Caesar was the Roman geezer, what was Adolf Hitler?

On average, how old is a 96-year old?

One lump or two?

You seem to have fallen down that 40-foot well, are you alright?

If E=MC², does F=ND³?

How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

Is it true that all you need is love, or were the Beatles stoned when they wrote this song? Surely you need sustenance and oxygen too?

Do you have to wield an axe to be an axe-wielding maniac? If you put down the axe, are you just a maniac?

If you eat too much, do you actually explode?

What is the best situation in which to panic?


Why did you just spend bloody ages answering the above questions for someone who obviously doesn’t have a clue? If you didn’t spend ages answering the above questions, why not? Have you got something against me? Don’t you love me?

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