A Conversation for etiquette - Annoying people

Alternative Writing Workshop: A849585 - etiquette - Annoying people

Post 1


Entry: etiquette - Annoying people - A849585
Author: Dylmts - U198657

This is a nice idea for summat silly, have a look at it and tell me how bad it is.

A849585 - etiquette - Annoying people

Post 2


It's a good start, but it needs to seem like it has more of a point. Maybe start with an explanation of annoyingness, then some advice for getting rid of annoying people (maybe tell them quietly that they are annoying and unwanted), then say why this is in everyone's benefit.

A849585 - etiquette - Annoying people

Post 3


I would have liked to have seen this expanded and given a bit more of a purpose as catwoman suggested. Unfortunately the author hasn't posted since sept 02. I would move the convo back to the article but will bow to the greater wisdom of the fellow miners


A849585 - etiquette - Annoying people

Post 4


meant hasn't posted since october (September seems to be on my mind a lot recently, new kid, find out how long my job will last)

A849585 - etiquette - Annoying people

Post 5

a girl called Ben

I'd been avoiding commenting on this one, because I couldn't think of anything to say about it.

I second KJ's vote to move it, and I'll tell Anna.


A849585 - etiquette - Annoying people

Post 6


Wow! You guys have been busy while my computer stopped working

I'm gonna go nag Anna a bit... smiley - run

smiley - blacksheep

A849585 - etiquette - Annoying people

Post 7


Hi all,

well, it's true, this piece doesn't really get there, does it?

and it's interesting, coz even the author doesn't think it's quite there...

this is interesting, coz unlike a totally uncritical SOG, what we want to create here is an atmospherere of critical selection, such as exists in PR, but with different criteria...

the more you think about it, the more tricky that is...

this is the problem with just creating an SOG where everything is welcome, and a real 'library' of articles that are all'worth reading' to one extent or another.


not feeling sobre enough for any further analysis (typing is already proving tricky)

A849585 - etiquette - Annoying people

Post 8

a girl called Ben

Not "sobre", eh Spiff?

The French are getting to your spelling, boy! smiley - redwine


A849585 - etiquette - Annoying people

Post 9



i had to go and confirm in a dico that it wasn't the way *i'd* written it!

o dir!


A849585 - etiquette - Annoying people

Post 10

a girl called Ben

smiley - smooch

A849585 - etiquette - Annoying people

Post 11


SOG? Sorry, can't work out what it is. Sure I'll feel very silly soon.

A849585 - etiquette - Annoying people

Post 12


Spaced Out Guide catwoman, a very worthwhile place for alternative writings

A849585 - etiquette - Annoying people

Post 13


That's okay then, no way I could have known that unless I'd already heard someone mention it.
I just hate it when it's something obvious.

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