The strange world of the pencil case

3 Conversations

Pencil cases are rather odd devices. Their basic purpose is to carry pencils, pens, rubbers and other stationery.
There are however many different types and variants some of which shall now be examined

Bag type pencil case

A bag type pencil case is the most basic and most common type of pencil case you can find. It is a bag of a synthetic material usually about 15cm X 5cm in size. Along one of the longer edges you find a zip. Now this is a very good kind of pencil case to use as merchandise for many companies. For example, crisp manufactures like to make bag types a similar size and shape to crisp packet to try and sell their wears. Also many companies you may never have heard of before will use stationary to advertise. For example the 'Cat' shoe company who make steel capped boots, also make stationery. The bag type may be very simple and easy to advertise with but it certainly isn't that good at its job. You will have to rummage around in it for ages trying to find a rubber or pencil sharpener. Smaller objects sink to the bottom and become nearly impossible to find without taking everything else out. Pens and pencils are just as bad as they shift from place to place with even the slightest movement.

Can type pencil case

Can type pencil cases are an improvement on the bag type. In this case the case is a cylinder of synthetic material with a zip all the way around the top. This type is favoured by companies that want to advertise caned drinks as they put a device that looks like a ring pull at the top and the companies logo on the rest to make it look like a can, although it doesn't. The advantage with this style is that if you put all your pens and pencils facing upwards and keep it vertical in your bags and other places then the pencils are much easier to get out. The disadvantages however is if you take to many pens or pencils out at one time then the whole thing goes very messy and has to be sorted out. Also there is no allowance for the smaller objects like rubbers and pencil sharpeners.

Tin type pencil case

Tin type pencil cases are relatively new compared to the previous two. They are basically a box of metal about 12cm X 4cm and either have a lid that can be taken off or a hinge for the lid. This, like the bag type is very easy to advertise on and the lid can change its texture to suit the needs of the company. For example, the Umbro Sports Company indented their name into one and a Simpson's football pencil case had the ball as a dome rising from the flat surface. The advantage to this pencil case is that because you can remove an entire section of the case to get your things they are much easier to get. They also allow for pens, pencils and the smaller objects. The downside is that as they are made of metal, then they get dented, scratched and don't stand up to wear and tear very well. Also, if you buy a hinged one then after about 3 or 4 weeks, one of the hinges may fall off. This is an annoyingly common occurrence and little can be done short of re-welding it back together. Also little can be fit in the case without compromising its ability to close. If you push it shut, you risk breaking it even earlier

Compartment type pencil case

Compartment type pencil cases are probably the best ones you will find around. These ones involve a bag of synthetic material of a size similar to the bag type. The difference that it keeps its shape by being hardened with card or some sort of wood inside the material that keeps the shape. Around three of the edges is a zip, so the compartment opens like a book. Inside are elastic loops that are designed to hold pens pencils and sharpeners. The great thing about this type is that often, the stationary comes with the case making it a one-stop purchase. This one is very simple to advertise on, with all the space on the top and bottom like the bag class. The great thing is that there is no rummaging involved in trying to get the things you need and you don't have to try too hard to close it. The only disadvantage is that its rather thick and doesn't fit in all bags.

The mysteries

There are several mysteries surrounding pencil cases. Most of them revolve around unanswered questions that the pencil cases themselves, or anyone else for that matter, consistently fail to answer. Some of these are: -

-Why is it that the bag type pencil cases are so common yet so useless?

-Why is it that the tin type pencil case cant have a lid with a hinge that doesn't fall of?

-Why cant they design a can type pencil case that can fit the smaller objects (pencil sharpener, rubber etc...)?

-How come, that no matter how tightly you pack it, there is always space for objects to shift places in a bag type pencil case?

-Why is the compartment type pencil cases the best sort yet so uncommon?

-Why is it ,that no matter how big it is, you can never fit everything you need into a tin type pencil case?

-Who comes up with these strange designs? And how much do they get paid?

-Where do the previously unheard of companies get the money to make stationary?

-Where are these unheard of companies based?

These and many other questions are as yet unanswered

To conclude...

The strange world of pencil cases is getting stranger by the day. For further information link to the entry on pencils.


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