A Conversation for Squid Tempest

Mars type things

Post 1


Sorry, but that is nonsense.
At the last Martian Kite Flying championships, all the atmosphere was good for was propogating the Vogon Flatulence championships.
Arghhh. The arse of a half rotten skunk smelt pleasant in comparison.

Mars type things

Post 2

Researcher 110490

I can't help but agree. The Vogon Flatulence Championships were rife with rotten skunk who had passed out due to the stench. Besides, Squid Tempest is Earth Leader of the Squid Co-Operation, who plan to take over the earth using insidious vibrations, forcing people to be nice to each other. They come from the planet ZZelg, not Mars. As if!
See for yourself - the Squid Co-Operation can be visited at http://www.squidweb.ndirect.co.uk - they are also threatening to send more songs soon - beware.

Mars type things

Post 3


Thanks for the info, will you be attending the Half Rotten Skunk Arse Eating Chapionships on Rigel 3?

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