A Conversation for Fred Astaire - Dancer and Actor

Peer Review: A8435315 - Fred Astaire - Dancer and Actor

Post 1

Opticalillusion- media mynx life would be boring without hiccups

Entry: Fred Astaire - Dancer and Actor - A8435315
Author: Opticalillusion - media mynx life would be boring without hiccups - U231227

I'm moving this to Peer Review as I think it's ready smiley - smiley

It's previous thread in the Edited Writing Forum is F57153?thread=5305221

A8435315 - Fred Astaire - Dancer and Actor

Post 2


Fascinating article. I didn't know any of this, and must read in more detail when it is not so late.

Websailor smiley - dragon

A8435315 - Fred Astaire - Dancer and Actor

Post 3


Fine work bud

nice n impartial

A8435315 - Fred Astaire - Dancer and Actor

Post 4

Opticalillusion- media mynx life would be boring without hiccups

smiley - ta for your comments so far. I look forward to hearing more from you both and from other researchers on the site. smiley - smiley

A8435315 - Fred Astaire - Dancer and Actor

Post 5

You can call me TC

A fascinating subject. Lots of work went into this and I certainly learned a lot. Thanks for writing it. I love Fred Astaire and his work. The only thing I knew about him up to now, really, was that he insisted on doing all dance routines in one take. (I've watched out for that in the films. He did) Ginger Rogers said they had to shoot and re-shoot until her feet were bleeding, but he insisted on starting over each time till the whole routine was exactly right.

My particular favourite film is "Easter Parade"

Three nitpicks:

The fact that the family changed their name is IMO too important to be hidden in a footnote. I would include it as part of the main body. Not having read the footnote, I was a bit confused when the name Astaire first appeared.

At one point, Astaire is pluralised with an apostrophe. Tut tut!

I'm not sure the preposition is right in the sentence: <>

A8435315 - Fred Astaire - Dancer and Actor

Post 6

Opticalillusion- media mynx life would be boring without hiccups

smiley - ta for your comments on this entry. I have gone over it with your suggestions in mind and corrected where I think you mean.

A8435315 - Fred Astaire - Dancer and Actor

Post 7

You can call me TC

Yup. No more complaints. Well done.

A8435315 - Fred Astaire - Dancer and Actor

Post 8

Opticalillusion- media mynx life would be boring without hiccups

smiley - tasmiley - smiley

A8435315 - Fred Astaire - Dancer and Actor

Post 9

Opticalillusion- media mynx life would be boring without hiccups

anything else? I've the smiley - biro at the ready smiley - smiley

A8435315 - Fred Astaire - Dancer and Actor

Post 10

You can call me TC

Well, the bit I mentioned above about his perfectionism is fairly reliable as I saw an interview with Ginger Rogers where she was talking about it. It might add a bit more depth to the character description. As I say, it's the only thing I know about him, which is why I was so interested to read the entry.

A8435315 - Fred Astaire - Dancer and Actor

Post 11

Opticalillusion- media mynx life would be boring without hiccups

<smiley - erm I thought I'd covered the perfectionist bit when talking about how he perfected routines.

A8435315 - Fred Astaire - Dancer and Actor

Post 12

You can call me TC

Yes, but my little snippet about complete dance routines all having to be perfect in one take is quite interesting - gives people something to look out for when watching the films. I find myself holding my breath and trying not to blink, just in case there's a cut to another camera angle. Which there isn't, as far as I've seen.

Sorry - You've done all the research, I've only come up with one little nanobit of info out of my head.

I'm really pleased this subject has been covered and would be happy to see your work on the front page.

One more question, having had a final read: Why is the first paragraph in italics?

A8435315 - Fred Astaire - Dancer and Actor

Post 13


I think I saw the same interview with Ginger Rogers as TC. If so, I seem to remember that there was an incident in which Astaire flew into a rage because a white feather from Ginger's dress had fallen onto his jet-black tux

Like TC, this is from my memory and it was quite a few years ago smiley - senior

A8435315 - Fred Astaire - Dancer and Actor

Post 14

Opticalillusion- media mynx life would be boring without hiccups

I couldn't find any reliable things on the feather incident or Ginger Rogers point of view I'm afraid. smiley - sadface

The first paragraph contains quotes, which are italicised. smiley - smiley

A8435315 - Fred Astaire - Dancer and Actor

Post 15

Opticalillusion- media mynx life would be boring without hiccups

I've updated the entry. I hope it's to your liking. smiley - smiley

A8435315 - Fred Astaire - Dancer and Actor

Post 16


The feather incident occurred during the filming of the Cheek to Cheek number from the 1935 film Top Hat.

A8435315 - Fred Astaire - Dancer and Actor

Post 17

Opticalillusion- media mynx life would be boring without hiccups

smiley - ta I'll go and reference the song smiley - smiley

A8435315 - Fred Astaire - Dancer and Actor

Post 18

Opticalillusion- media mynx life would be boring without hiccups

any other comments?

A8435315 - Fred Astaire - Dancer and Actor

Post 19

You can call me TC

No - when I saw this in my convo list I thought it was the Eds announcement that it'd been selected for the FP.

All sewed up and dried as far as I'm concerned. Whether you add the feather or not.

A8435315 - Fred Astaire - Dancer and Actor

Post 20

Opticalillusion- media mynx life would be boring without hiccups

smiley - ta Trillian's Child smiley - smiley I put in the feather part smiley - magic

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