How to speak Goa'uld in 3 easy steps

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Been captured by a ruthless snake-head? Want to show him that you have power greater than his(or at least equal)? Then use these easy steps to weasel your way out

1.)First, to speak Goa'uld, you have to think Goa'uld. Think only nasy, evil, malicious thoughts. Scowl and sneer. Making your eyes glow would me a major advantage.

2.)Feeling sufficiently malicious? Now, shout 'KREE!' at all Jaffa within hearing range, they should immediately do your bidding, or blast your head off with a staff weapon, depending on how they feel. Just make sure that your voice is sufficiently, deep and gruff to imitate the Goa'uld tongue.

3.)A final word of use is 'na-nay'. This means 'no'. It could come in useful when trying to bargain for your life.

Good luck in your first Goa'uld lessons<ok>

Small print: Any loss of, limb, sanity or other Goa'uld misunderstandings are your fault, not mine. I'm only trying to help!

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