A Conversation for Observing Nature To See How You Percieve Yourself

Peer Review: A839900 - Observing Nature To See How You Percieve Yourself

Post 1


Entry: Observing Nature To See How You Percieve Yourself - A839900
Author: Kerr Music Award winner Neri Aracro - U190807

Just rescued this piece from the Flea Market.

I've tried to make this piece quite relaxing and not overly clever.

I think the intro sets a good tone for the rest of the piece.

Please offer feedback, this article has gone through a terribly tough time in the Flea Market, hasn't had any human contact for months!

A839900 - Observing Nature To See How You Percieve Yourself

Post 2


Hi, I've sorted out a particularly tricky sentence and corrected a grammar fault.

A839900 - Observing Nature To See How You Percieve Yourself

Post 3

Mikey the Humming Mouse - A3938628 Learn More About the Edited Guide!

First off, I'm sorry it took so long for someone to stop by and say something -- sometimes an entry slips through our nets around here.

Personally, I think this entry is interesting, but might be better suited to other forums than the Edited Guide -- perhaps the underguide via the Alternative Writing Workshop, or even the h2g2 Post might conceivably be interested.

When it comes down to it, this entry seems to be largely about a personal philosophy, and personal observations regarding people and life. Nothing wrong with that, but it's not generally what the Edited Guide is about -- the EG tends to skew more on the side of things that can be researched, and shown to be true, rather than personal observations.

What do other people think?

smiley - mouse

A839900 - Observing Nature To See How You Percieve Yourself

Post 4


We'd be happy to see this in the AWW <./>RF5</.> smiley - smiley

Jodan - smiley - brr

A839900 - Observing Nature To See How You Percieve Yourself

Post 5


Ok, to the AWW it is then.

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