The Manchester Pub Cup

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A question was posed on a bar room table many moons ago.
I will endeavor to paraphrase what the inquirer wanted to know
Drunk have I in many pubs in the Mancunian environs
But where is most deserving of me to spend by wages on

List will I below this verse the venues on our tour
And next year the worst will go so we can examine some more
So from City Centre bars to Didsbury’s Royal Oak
We will carry on judging until our livers choke

The site is to be found at

Bar XS (Fallowfield)

Big Hands (University)

Clock Tower (Didsbury)

Copper Face Jacks

Crown + Anchor

Dog + Partridge (Didsbury)

Fab Cafe

Fletcher Moss (Didsbury)

Footage + Firkin

Forgery + Firkin

Golden Lion (Withington)

Grafton Arms


Hardy's Well (Rusholme)

Hogshead (Didsbury)

Hogshead (University)

Jabez Clegg (University)

John Willies Lees

Katy Daley's (Withington)

Kro Bar (University)

Lass O'Gowrie


Manchester Uni SU

Moon Under Water

Old Monk

Old Wellington

O'Neill's (Didsbury)


Orange Grove (Fallowfield)


Owens Park Bar (Fallowfield)


Peveril Of The Peak

Piccadilly Tavern

Queen Of Hearts (Fallowfield)

Rain Bar

Rampant Lion (Victoria Park)

Red Lion (Withington)

Revolution (Fallowfield)

Rising Sun

Royal Oak (Didsbury)

Salisbury Ale House

Sand Bar (All Saints)


Sinclairs Oyster Bar

Slug + Lettuce (Didsbury)

Solomon Grundy's (Withington)

Sun in September (Burnage)

Temple of Convenience

The Bull's Head

The Clarence (Rusholme)

The Famous Crown (Didsbury)

The Friendship Inn (Fallowfield)

The Garrett

The Huntsman (Rusholme)

The Phoenix (University)

The Pub (All Saints)

The Whitworth (Rusholme)

Thirsty Scholar

Vine Inn

Wetherspoons (Piccadilly)

White Lion

Yates's Wine Lodge

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