A Conversation for The Blue Öyster Cult: America's Hawkwind? A Discography.

Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A8379732 - The Blue Öyster Cult: America's Hawkwind? A Discography.

Post 1


Entry: The Blue Öyster Cult: America's Hawkwind? A Discography. - A8379732
Author: AgProv - U538194

I think this may be one or two clicks away from the Guide but I'd welcome suggestions and criticism. This is the more "scholarly" version of a piece already accepted by the Underguide.

All yours, world!

A8379732 - The Blue Öyster Cult: America's Hawkwind? A Discography.

Post 2


Over a year and no-one has posted? Hay Zeus! So sorry Ag.

To me it looks like you've tweaked it to be more EG ready, sod the EGWW, why don't you dunk it into PR and see what happens?

A8379732 - The Blue Öyster Cult: America's Hawkwind? A Discography.

Post 3


Are you still working on this, Ag? If so, you just need to change make the album titles into headers to make the entry easier to read, and then you ought to take the entry out of this forum and put it into Peer Review.

A8379732 - The Blue Öyster Cult: America's Hawkwind? A Discography.

Post 4


hi Alex

Sorry it took so long to notice this - the (other) BBC boards where I spend my time have been getting quite boring and constrained (there seem to be an awful lot of cutbacks and deleted boards elsewhere in the BBC, notably around Radio and Television. Is h2g2 safe?) and as of late so I took a sabattical and went ewlsewhere for a while to get engaged in other boards, as less seemed to be happening on the BBC.

Point accepted!

I'll do this last bit of reccomended work and see how it fares in Peer Review.

Thanks for taking the time to look!
Cheers m'dear!

A8379732 - The Blue Öyster Cult: America's Hawkwind? A Discography.

Post 5


Great! It's good to see entries moving on from the EGWW to Peer Review. smiley - ok

"Is h2g2 safe?"

As far as I know - I don't think they'd be doing the current re-design if there was a risk the site would get scrapped.

A8379732 - The Blue Öyster Cult: America's Hawkwind? A Discography.

Post 6


As AgProv2 has smiley - elvised I'd like to propose Flea Market.


A8379732 - The Blue Öyster Cult: America's Hawkwind? A Discography.

Post 7


Still here! I'll get on with it.

A8379732 - The Blue Öyster Cult: America's Hawkwind? A Discography.

Post 8


smiley - wowGood luck! I look forward to seeing it back in Peer Review.


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Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A8379732 - The Blue Öyster Cult: America's Hawkwind? A Discography.

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