Berghoff's in Chicago

2 Conversations

If a traveler were to visit Chicago, Illinois presently, he or she would (after being swept away by cold and bitter winds) undoubtedly inquire about the Best (and most locally significant) Place to Eat. In New York City it would be Katz’s; in Pittsburgh, Primanti Brothers. But in Chicago, a local would explain, “Berghoff’s. And you better hurry, because they’re closing in February.” After finding your way through the downtown streets to the German restaurant beneath the big, neon sign, you may do a double-take at the number of people waiting in line outside. The small print on the restaurant’s coat of arms explains it; ‘Established 1898.’ The restaurant, family owned, has roots in the World’s Fair. At the same time that the Ferris Wheel and Cracker Jacks were being introduced to the world, Berghoff’s was providing it with sauerkraut and bratwurst. Berghoff’s history likely adds to the crowds that haunt it recently, expecting to see skilled artisans as they serve the city’s best.

For more information, the restaurant's website can be found at

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