The Ancient Egyptian Religions

2 Conversations


Ancient Egyptian Religion is complex. It is simply not possible to say, for example, Atum-Ra was the god of all gods. This statement would be true in the New Kingdom period, but not in the Old Kingdom period. As the leadership of the country changed so did the religion, sometimes dramatically.

A certain king might have political allies with a sect. This sect might be based in one city, so this one city becomes the capital; thus the sect becomes the state religion.

It seems mind numbly complex, but it is no more complex than the religious systems we have today.

Example: If you where to explain the different Christian denominations to a alien who know nothing about them you would make a list of:

  • Eastern Orthodox
  • Roman Catholic
  • Church of England
  • Baptist
  • Church of God
  • and so on............
  • When you think about Ancient Egypt, it was much similar to what we have now. It's just that we are the aliens that know nothing.

    So in a hope to clear the confusion and make this simpler, below is list of the Kings of Egypt (in chronological order), the state capital and main gods they worshiped. Hopefully, an understanding of those gods, in relation to the different time period will develop.

    Hold on to your air supplied breathing apparatus this is going to take a while.

    Predynstic Period(c5000-3100B.C.E)

    Early Dynasty Period (c3100-c2890)

    First Dynasty (c3100-2890)

    Narmer c3100

    Narmer is acknowledged as being the first king to unify Egypt. It is most likely that he was the last of many kings to put the building block of unification in place.
    He was the first to have his name recorded across Upper and Lower Egypt (Minshat Abu Omar in the eastern Delta and Hierakonpolis)on all matter of items,particularly in Naqada, thought to be the capital at the time.
    Two items that bear Narmer name are Narmer's Palette and Narmer's Mace
    Narmer's Palette.

    Menes (Horus Aha) c3100

    Djer c3000

    Djet c2980

    Den c2950 (Queen Merneith c2950)

    Anedjib c2925

    Semerkhet c2900

    Qa'a c2890

    Second Dynasty (c2890-2686)

    Hetepsekhemwy c2890

    Raneb c2865




    Periden c2700

    Khasekhemwy c2686

    Old Kingdom (c2686-2181)

    Third Dynasty (c2686-2613)

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