A Conversation for Ten tips to help the non-geek avoid computer viruses and hackers


Post 1


First of all, thanks for making this so easy to understand and so useful.smiley - cheers

You've talked about avoiding viruses by using web based email addresses. I'm wondering about accessing mail to my current address using my ISPs webmail service. Is that safe too? If I open dodgy email attachments on a webmail page, will it affect my own PC?

Probably a stupid question, but I am clueless in these matters.

smiley - smiley


Post 2

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Your ISP has a webmail service? I guess that's becoming a bit more common these days. If you open an attachment on a true web based mail like Yahoo or Hotmail then your pc should be safe - it only becomes a problem if you download it. As long as your ISP's webmail is the same then you should be ok.

Not a stupid question at all smiley - smiley And thanks for the nice comment.


Post 3


Yes, I can get email on the web through my ISP. With my last provider I used to use the Mail2web site, just to pick up email if I was away or something.

I've recieved 2 emails containing viruses (viri?) in the last 6 months. Fortunately I was able to delete them without opening them, but I know it's not always that easy. So I think that from now on I'll check my email on the website first to see if it looks alright.

Thanks a lot for your help.smiley - smiley


Post 4

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

smiley - cheers

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