A Conversation for London meet-up, 2pm, Sat. Nov 23rd.

Why couldn't it be on the 20th?

Post 1

Santragenius V

smiley - wah - I'm in London visiting the International Biotech at London ExCel on the 20th and "around" it the 19-21.... smiley - wah

And no - no chance of hanging about until Saturday. Duties to perform on the western side of the North Sea, you see...

(and yeah - I can see why a Saturday is preferable... smiley - winkeye

Why couldn't it be on the 20th?

Post 2

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

smiley - sadface

smiley - sorry

If it had been the 20th, I wouldn't be there, as I have a school-age son.

Maybe next time?

There's an official meet-up in January...

smiley - hug

Why couldn't it be on the 20th?

Post 3

Santragenius V

I know - there'll be lots of very sound reasons. I just had to wail a little as I am missing it by mere days...

smiley - sigh

Knowing me well, I'll have a pint or two anyway smiley - smiley Most of my time will be in Essex, though - just on the Wed I'll be down in London ('s eastern side)

Thx for the consolation smiley - hug

Why couldn't it be on the 20th?

Post 4

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

smiley - hug

I hope you had a good day today. smiley - smiley

smiley - hug are in plentiful supply!smiley - biggrin

Why couldn't it be on the 20th?

Post 5

Santragenius V

I did - and "completely by accident" smiley - winkeye I ran into Pierce... smiley - biggrin I can confirm that he's alive and well - at least was when I left the Prince of Wales before he did smiley - winkeye

BTW, the guess was spot on - smiley - ale was involved...

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