Slayers - the TV series (work in progress)
Created | Updated Sep 16, 2002
A Japanese anime television series, Slayers is a comedy fantasy series following the adventures of Lina Inverse, a self proclaimed sorcery genius. Based upon the books of the same name by Hajime Kanzaka, and first shown on Japanese TV as Slayers in 1995, it spawned two more series; Slayers Next and Slayers TRY. Slayers: Movie Edition, otherwise known as Slayers Perfect was released soon after the series, in the summer of 1995. Since then, three more movies, Slayers Return, Slayers Great and Slayers Gorgeous were released each consecutive summer up until 1998. There are also two, three-part OVAs; Slayers Special and Slayers Excellent. Both the movies and the OVAs are set before the main TV series, and, apart from the main protagonist, they feature different characters as well.
The story revolves around the aforementioned Lina Inverse, the antithesis to most fantasy anime heroines.
More information on Slayers.