A Conversation for Episodes of "the Prisoner"

Peer Review: A821521 - Episodes of "the Prisoner"

Post 1

Garthion of URAN

Entry: Episodes of "the Prisoner" - A821521
Author: Garthion of URAN - U192743

This is the Episode Guide to the 1967 ITC Tv series "the Prisoner" by Patrick McGoohan. Included is a description of the Episode and More memorable Quotes from some Episodes.

A821521 - Episodes of "the Prisoner"

Post 2

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

*Sits back and waits for the familiar episode order debate to get going amongst Prisoner smiley - geeks* smiley - biggrin

A821521 - Episodes of "the Prisoner"

Post 3

Gone again

There is not enough Culture in the Guide smiley - blue; yet. smiley - smiley Your efforts will help to right the balance. smiley - ok

Are all the episodes now available (it's September 2002, so I assume the DVD you refer to is available)?


"Who cares, wins"

A821521 - Episodes of "the Prisoner"

Post 4

Smij - Formerly Jimster

Hi Garthion,

Have you seen the existing entry on the Prisoner by Hoovooloo? A744897

Two sections are a little bit confusing:

>> ALTERNATE EPISODES: There were two eisodes that were never shown on regular television as they were made as trials. These were Arrival and The Chimes of Big Ben. The latter was recently released on DVD in the UK with the Former due for release on the 35th aniversary DVD in september 2002.<<

That's not *strictly* true. There are early cuts of these episodes - the extended versions which have already been released on DVD and VHS (the DVD was released in the UK in August 2000). But they weren't 'trials' or even different episodes to those transmitted; they were just early edits which were cut down a little for transmission

>> The series still works in todays world and will always remain popular as it started the CULT Phenomenom <<

Again, not strictly true. In terms of cult shows, Doctor Who predates it (1963) and The Avengers is older still (1961). And arguably, Quatermass beats them all. It definitely plays its part in the whole British Cult TV phenomenon but it didn't start it all off. smiley - smiley

As Gosho says, there's a massive debate about the best order to watch the episodes too, which would be nice to see acknowledged...


A821521 - Episodes of "the Prisoner"

Post 5

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

*Drags Prisoner DVD sets one and two from the shelf*

From set one, DVD one:

"Episode order debate:
Anyone arguing that ARRIVAL doesn't belong first when viewing the series is unmutual."

From set one, DVD two:

"Episode order debate:
The second episode to be filmed, and titled 'Episode Two' on the location shooting schedule, FREE FOR ALL is often broadcast fourth. This edition returns the episode to the second slot. Watch for a reference to Number Six as "...a recent recruit"."

"Episode order debate:
Number Six says "I'm new here" to the maid, and responds that he arrived "quite recently" to Dutton making DANCE OF THE DEAD a very early episode. Filmed as episode four, this was shown eigth during the original UK screening. It slips in nicely as third."

I'll add comments from set two if it becomes neccesary or if anyone particularly wants to know them.

A821521 - Episodes of "the Prisoner"

Post 6

Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences

My copy of the enclyclopedia of TV SF has quite a few things to say about the order as well- I certainly think this is something that needs addressing in an episode guide...

smiley - ale

A821521 - Episodes of "the Prisoner"

Post 7


OK, I hardly ever do this, and I'm going to be unpopular but...

Do we need this? There's an existing Edited Entry on the Prisoner (smiley - cheers Jimster) which included links to fansites which include all the info here. The author isn't adding anything to it.

While the entry is accurate (mostly), I personally feel it's a bit... superfluous? Sorry to sound like a wet blanket, but I just don't think we need episode guides to *anything* in the Edited Guide. If I did, I'd have done one already as an adjunct to the main one (not to mention one for Star Trek, another for Red Dwarf, one for Blackadder... well, you get the idea.)

It's a nicely concise summary of the episode plots, but there are unmarked spoilers for episodes 7 & 17, numerous spelling errors, and a humorous misquote (Number 6 *wears* a blazer, he doesn't run like one - one runs like "blazes"). This is fine for the unEdited Guide, and of course the search engine will still find it - but I'm sorry, I don't think this is Edited Guide material. I stress - I'd say the same for *any* straight episode guide to any show, including shows I love like this one.


A821521 - Episodes of "the Prisoner"

Post 8

Trout Montague

And then?

A821521 - Episodes of "the Prisoner"

Post 9

The Apprentice

Digging this deep down into Peer Review, it seems best to remove this. It isn't being worked on, isn't being discussed, will probably be argued out if it is discussed and as has been said, is basically superfluous - otherwise h2g2 is going to start turning into a bric-a-brac site or something. There are millions of things we need in h2g2 before we indulge in episode guides for everything. I know I did an episode Guide for Bagpuss... but I covered the whole subject of the series and discussed things in detail. And, thankfully, most people won't feel that being told the Biscuit Factory is a sham isn't considered a spolier...

Anyway... can I vote to have this removed to somewhere...

The Apprentice

A821521 - Episodes of "the Prisoner"

Post 10

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

If it's acceptable by h2g2 protocol for a Sub-ed to propose a move, I second it smiley - ok. If it has to be a Scout who does the proposing, then I'll put my hand up for that one smiley - smiley

A821521 - Episodes of "the Prisoner"

Post 11

Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences

Although the author's last posting was five weeks ago, I propose a move back to entry on the grounds that the subject is already covered in the edited guide. Any other Scouts prepared to second?

smiley - ale

A821521 - Episodes of "the Prisoner"

Post 12

Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences

Right, well that takes care of that then smiley - laugh

smiley - ale

A821521 - Episodes of "the Prisoner"

Post 13

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Serendipity smiley - zen

A821521 - Episodes of "the Prisoner"

Post 14

Trout Montague

If the original entry doesn't contain a full episode guide, then I counter that there is room in the guide for this entry (or an edited form of it anyway).

Otherwise, there is a boundary condition on 'everything'.

A821521 - Episodes of "the Prisoner"

Post 15

Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences

Trouble is, a straight 'episode guide' of The Prisoner is always going to be contentious- unlike other series the very order of episodes is always in dispute. Since the other entry covers this problem, this entry is always going to be unneeded, or argued about until the cows come home. Let's leave it as an unedited focal point for those discussions, rather than using Peer Review for that.

smiley - ale

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