Temporary Front Page
Created | Updated May 29, 2011
Sorry for the inconvenience but the proposed new site is in a bit of a mess at the moment and we are not at all sure that we can fix it.
In the meantime please to go to the old reliable site Powered by DNA, the BBC's community website engine, cut down versions of which we are using with our Message boards and other DNA sites that will no longer advertise the fact.
Before you go:-

Think about it and let's not forget my Rant.

Douglas Adams wrote - The more people who use the Guide, the more useful it will become, and the more useful it becomes, the more people will use it. We have the first snowflake. Now let's build a blizzard.
H2G2 is a an unconventional Guide to Life, the Universe and Everything created by a networked community sharing information that is instantly available to anybody to read. It is the original DNA Site and as a tribute to DNA the man all web pages using DNA technology should carry this simple message:-

Powered by DNA, the BBC's community website engine
This could have been a Domesday Reloaded page :- Click here for the original Blog
Get involved with the Domeday Reloaded Experience Roadshow
Neil Copeman | 09:28 UK time, Wednesday, 18 May 2011
Travel back to the 1980s with the Domesday Reloaded Experience roadshow, touring the country this week.
The roadshow features a 1980s retro bedroom area complete with games, toys and informative BBC Domesday reloaded film. There's also a chance to present an 80s-style edition of Top of the Pops in our interactive greenscreen area.
You can also explore the website with one of the team and ask questions about Domesday Reloaded.
We've already stopped off at Coventry and Warrington but the roadshow will also be calling at:
Wednesday 18th May = St Georges, Preston
Thursday 19th May = Arndale, Manchester
Friday 20th May = The Potteries, Stoke-on-Trent
If you visit the roadshow do let us know what you think.