Site Structure

4 Conversations

This is again an Entry which I started to keep track of what has been said. The main source is the conversation h2g2 usability - where should be what?.

Additionally you can find thoughts about this topic on my fotki page some ideas about design are here.


The user should be able to choose his favorite layout and skin

Navigation buttons: either at one side of the page or at the top (brunel/goo or alabaster-like)

Where possible the buttons should be fixed on the browser window, so they are always in reach

Customizeable buttons

Optional 'recent conversations' button (most recent 'public' conversations)

default buttons: my space, my conversations, who's online, write an Entry, Front Page (?), The Post, Community Central, (Peer) Review, Announcements, Feedback

Conversations about an Entry/PS optional at the bottom of the page or at one side of the Entry

Categories buttons and help on every page

Search thing on every page > improve search function

Printer friendly view for every page (especially Entries, print without sidebars etc)

No drop down menus!

Front Page

featured Entries

text about h2g2


links to The Post and the Community Central

most recent conversations in Ask and SEx

most recent comments on Entries

talking point (if they still exist)

Improbability Drive (shiny button)

Community Central Page



links to all forums

busiest/most popular conversations

links to help pages

featured campaigns

active clubs and societies

The Post

New Post front page?

Other people's PS

Show only latest Journal Entry ('see more' button)

Extra showcase for approved Entries

'befriend user' or 'subscribe' or 'bookmark' or what?

Own PS

let people move stuff on their own PS to wherever they want

customizable PS background picture?


Show referenced sites/Entries (unlike Barlesque) it makes checking links easier

Bookmark option

a suitably big edit window for Entries with a suitable size of letters


link forum pages to the Community Central page

Add 'chicken foot'

optional number of posts per page (20-100)

optional list of other conversations in this forum and short list of posts on this page (like Alabaster)

Reply window

list of all smileys next to the reply text field

My conversations

basically like brunel 'my conversations' window

unsubscribe button next to every conversation

Special buttons for special people

ACEs: button to 'ungreeted newbies' window

Who needs what?

Bookmark on your Personal Space



Infinite Improbability Drive

Infinite Improbability Drive

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h2g2 is created by h2g2's users, who are members of the public. The views expressed are theirs and unless specifically stated are not those of the Not Panicking Ltd. Unlike Edited Entries, Entries have not been checked by an Editor. If you consider any Entry to be in breach of the site's House Rules, please register a complaint. For any other comments, please visit the Feedback page.

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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