Police Public Call Box: BBC Radio Who

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Rotating images of Patrick Troughton, Jon Pertwee and Tom Baker.

It seems to be an empty time of the year for official Doctor Who things to write about. There are spoilers floating around for the upcoming series but I've been avoiding them. In fact I seem to have distanced myself with Doctor Who. It's there, but it's in the background as it were, news running on my Facebook, Twitter feeds. I suppose this may be what it's like for other people. For years, well ever since I first saw Doctor Who in 2005 I've been a devoted and passionate fan. I've grown up with it and now I'm just realising that it's slipped away. Things have replaced it at the forefront of what I do, but that's okay.

Whilst exploring my latest interest, BBC Radio, I rediscovered Doctor Who Audio, or to be precise, Big Finish Productions, on BBC Radio 7 (the station formerly BBC 7 and soon-to-be BBC Radio 4 Extra). The Doctor Who episodes are broadcast in the '7th Dimension' slot which starts at 6 o'clock every day. I wonder what they'll call it when they become 4 Extra? Would the 4th Dimension work?

BBC Radio 7 seems to have broadcast the majority of episodes of the Eighth Doctor's audio adventures, including the new series. A number of audio books read by Fourth Doctor Tom Baker are also broadcast (from his time as the Doctor). 'Doctor Who and The Brain of Morbius' will be broadcast from Monday 28th February all through that week.

I haven't always been interested in audio Doctor Who and especially in the case of the Big Finish audios; I'm not sure whether they're strictly canon. There are some quite barmy ideas in the audio series and I'm tempted to say that they are not. I'm such a big fan of the Eighth Doctor (the actor being Paul McGann) I think I'll ignore this thinking of canon temporarily and get my hands on some of his audio Adventures.

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