Adams' Last Theorem
Created | Updated Sep 2, 2002
There was a scene early in the book when he talked about some plates with, very definitely, one banana on each. This was obviously significant, so I asked him to explain. But he liked to tease his audience and he said he'd tell me later. We eventually got to the end of the book and I asked him again, 'Okay, Douglas, what's with the bananas?' He looked at me completely blankly. He had forgotten all about the bananas. I still occasionally ask him if he has remembered yet, but apparently he hasn't.
This is a mystery which fascinates me... whatever the idea of the bananas was it must have been hilarious. Unlike the proof of Fermat's Last Theorem, this is a riddle we will never know the answer to.
However, we can have a good time guessing! Post your ideas about the 'punchline' to the banana scene.