Overtone Singing

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If you've ever heard Tibetan Gyoto monks and marvelled (or shuddered) at the wonderful deep rich sounds, you've been listening to overtone singing, also known as throat singing. Overtone singing is the ability to produce two or more sounds at the same time by manipulating the throat, tongue and sometimes the mouth to produce the sounds. Although the Tibetan monks may be the best known in the west, they are not the only, or even the most accomplished singers of this genre.

This type of singing has been traditional in central Asian tribes and is often called Mongolian overtone singing, as it survives today in the Russian state of Tuva and in Western Mongolia. At its best, the overtones have a flute-like quality with the highest overtones producing the melody over the fundamental note, which remains steady.

How are the sounds made?

Singing Styles and Culture

Sound as a Healer

Where can you learn to overtone?

Overtoning is becoming increasingly popular at New Age type gatherings, where workshops may be offered. There is even a Throat Singing Society with members round the world, including lots in Japan! This has some nice instructions and also some sample sounds.

Although you can get instruction CDs, the best way is probably to find a teacher. In this way, you will be prepared by a series of exercises to loosen up the body and the voice as well as getting immediate feedback on your technique. If you want to become proficient, then you need a teacher.

There is a Montreal Throat Singing Festival which in 2001 featured Inuit, Tuvan and Tibetan singing and included workshops for children.

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