Pawhuska, Oklahoma, USA

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Decayed as it is, Pawhuska has an air of history. Its downtown is one of attractive, though derelict, buildings built of red brick. Pawhuska is the capitol of the Osage Indian Nation and gateway to the Tallgrass Prairie Preserve. It is a town with a vibrant, violent past; one of fame and infamy. In the 1920s it had a population of about 10,000, now it is home to approximately 3,500. Decayed it may be, but it is showing signs of renewed vigour.


Pawhuska is located at the intersection of State Highways 99 & 11 with US Highway 60, about 25 miles west of Bartlesville, Oklahoma, and 70 miles north northwest of Tulsa, Oklahoma.


Pawhuska was established circa 1879 when the Osage tribe was forced by Congress to move from its homelands in Kansas to new land bought from the Cherokees in the Indian Territory, which is now Oklahoma. The new town was given the name Pa-Hu-Ska in honour of an Osage chief, it is a name that translates to hair colour white.


Pawhuska has several eateries that cater to a broader range of tastes than is usual in this part of the country. It doesn't seem to matter where you go in the world, a Chinese restaurant is never far away; in Pawhusks the Chinese restaurant is on the west side of Kihekah Avenue, just north of the triangular building that divides the road; though Fu-Manchu has not dined there, he has looked through the glass door at dining tables laid with linen, cutlery, and glassware.

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