Fender Performer Guitar : 1985 made in Japan Update

2 Conversations

Authors Note : Since I last added this entry my previous account has become void so here is an update

Here is some information I have compiled on the very rare 1985 Japanese Fender Performer guitar.

Almost totally unknown. The guitar was developed in Japan in 1984 and only on sale for a year in 1985. The design of the guitar suggests that Fender were trying something new out. It has a switch that is unique to this guitar called a coil tap. The coil tap basically switches between single coil and humbucking pickups. The guitar itself has four pickups which can be spliced into either two humbuckers or two single coils. This particular feature was unique at the time the guitar was made. But has been copied since, most notably in Paul Reed Smith guitars. I have recently found out however that this coil tap system or push tap was actually around in the 50's but only on certain Fender Jaguar models and very rare customised guitars.

Now lets talk about how good the guitar is N/B that this is my own guitar that I have brought as I have only ever seen one and that is mine.

The guitar design:

Made in Japan the body is made of either alder or basswood. The neck is made out of rosewood and maple. It has 24 jumbo style Gibson fretts. It has one volume control ,one tone control, a switch that switches between pickups and a coil tap. Ah yes a coil tap! Basically this switch flips between single coil and humbuckers. This clever device means you can have no a lot of distortion pumped through the guitar and with a flip of a switch you can have a clean tone. So in effect it's a fuzz switch. The two slanted humbuckers flip to single coil with the flick of a switch. The finish is creamy coloured with a sparkle finish. The bridge has a Floyd Rose licensed Fender system locking tremolo system. It's a little lose so I'm going to add another spring to it to strengthen it. It has fine tuners over the locking trem like on all locking trems.


The action has since been set since I last wrote about this guitar on Whole Note. The strings are now Ernie Ball custom gauged. So all of the problems with string buzz and dust in the imput jack have been solved since I have had it surviced. In comparison to my Gibson Less Paul Standard, it plays a little better but I still prefer my Gibson for personnel reasons. Personally I think this guitar is best for lead guitar playing. But you can use it for anything really. I haven't had such a reliable guitar before now. The tones vary depending on the set up. The Coil Tap can get you some wild tones. You can have blues, Reggae, Ska anything really for rhythm players. It is also very good for fast acid funk and jazz.

Sound Quality:

I have used my DOD Flanger and a cheap Wah Wah through it so it hasn't had any fair effects through it yet. I have tried it on some 200 watt amps at a local giging place and I have tried it on my 15 watt amp I have here to practice on, but that is all. You can play any style you like on this as it requires little set up, it's one of those guitars you can just jump on without setting up. I have played Punk, Blues, Spanish, Classical, , 70's, 50's, Grunge, Ska, Rock, Pop, Funk anything works on this and you can get any sound you want. Mids, highs, lows {but not muddy} this thing can do them all. I play lead on this a lot and I think this guitar alters your style because of it been so unique. This guitar is the best guitar I have ever heard next to my modified Les Paul. I think this is an excellent all rounder guitar. good for any style you can quote me on that. You can say he said "good for any style".

UPDATE: I have since tried all kinds of wacky crazy effects out on this guitar and have found each and every one has sounded fantastic. I have also recently purchased a Fender Blues Deville and the duo work together magnificently.

Overall :

All I can say is that this thing is pretty much perfect it is a little dusty inside because of the age of it so occasionally it cuts out on one setting but this only happens very rarely. I think once I have cleaned the inside of it and changed the strings it will be very reliable. The action still needs to be altered. As for the rest of it - it's built like a tank, as light as a feather and sounds amazing

Pricing Info:

I have had mine valued at £2000, but brand new they can cost between £1200-1500.

BBC take note: I have not copied any information on this guitar, I researched it myself out of pure interest. BBC also take note my last acount was void thus I had to copy this to edit it.

If you would like to contact me on the email I hardly ever check then mail me at [email protected] or IM me on Dr_Nevermind if you have AOL IM

UPDATE : My recent AOL IM SN is MonsewerHarmlezz
And the new addy for my email is [email protected]



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