Poem: Loving You

1 Conversation

The Gift of a Rose

If love were simply an attraction of the senses. A pleasurable sensation of the eye, the melodious sound of a voice or the physical pleasure of a touch.

Love would not exist.

If Love is to be a possessive power, requiring continuous gratification of self, Jealousy would surly reign, and destroy.

Then love is dead!

Love though is not dead, it is alive.
It is a warm feeling that lives, within our hearts, our minds, our souls. Love grows as we grow older. Strengthening as we become weaker. Love's tie requires no sight nor touch.

For Love is!

Love is there in the morning, when we wake. It is there when we work, when we rest. There also in the land of dreams, where we meet.

We meet in love!

Love wraps around us a cloak of surety, and in life's dark moments, we simply have to think of the other and their love is felt, like a ray of warm sunshine.

Love is alive! For I love you!

Lightman 2002

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