Peetie god. The resurrection.
Created | Updated Jan 6, 2005
Remember, sonny boy, GOD is Love -- you wouldn't want that kind of thing to get around now, would you? It would ruin your reputation. Humph.
Well, when he was a lad, he didn't have just one name. I called him little Peetie god, because it took him eons to potty train. Of course, he had to create the potty first, but that's no excuse. Initially he leaked all over like all babies do, and the results of his leakage became the suns, the planets, the other celestial bodies. The milky way happened when he got into a jar of jalapenos. What a s**t fiesta that was! Then, like all children, he had to play with his messes, stick his fingers in it, smear it around, see what kinda patterns he could make. Doing that he created life on earth. For those primitives out there who believe that God made them from dirt, well...<erm> it wasn't dirt he was playing with.
We've all seen some of his little experiments gone awry--ostriches, aardvarks, the people who go on the Jerry Springer show<boing>, but overall he did make an amusing toy to play with. I must admit that I'm proud of the lad.<biggrin>
In his adolescence he decided to get rid of the 'little Peetie' part of his name and go by just 'God'. He realized that it would be easier for his creations to remember (they aren't always too swift) and also that it had more impact. Madonna and Cher had the same idea, and guess what! It worked for them too! So, being the indulgent momma that I am, I indulged his little whim.
As a teen God was not at his most charming, to say the least. I assume you've all read the Old Testament, so you are aware of what an egotestical and selfish little son of a Mog he was. Many young men pull the wings off flies, the legs off a daddy-long-legs, feed Alka Seltzer to seagulls or stick a lighted firecracker up a frogs ass at some point or another in their lives. Well remember, God created Man in his own image. So he messed with poor sods like Job just because he could [(and because Job was too much of a wussy to stand up for his human rights and say CUT IT OUT, GOD! This is a load of crap, and I'm just NOT gonna play with your loaded dice any more!) {hence the game of craps}(and really, Job DID set a standard for turning the other cheek, didn't he? At least one of the morals to that story must be something along the lines of 'the meek might inherit the earth... but what's it gonna be worth to you?')(how many brackets can one include in a sentence and still be correct? I'm quite sure I've exceeded the limit)] and made people sacrifice lambs which could have been put to much more practical use as brunch.
When I discovered what nasty little games he was up to, I grounded him. He wasn't allowed any contact with his creations for some time, which might have been a big mistake on my part, because he had time to plot and seethe. I know better than to spank him now, because things like antimatter result from his tears. It's not a bad thing (or antithing) in itself, but it gives far too many physicists a reputable profession who would be much better employed as bartenders. They tend to have a talent for making sense out of nonsense, and rationalizing the irrational. Speaking of which... Garcon!!!!<bubbly>
In his period of banishment from torturing the human race, he came up with a really diabolical plan. He created the bipolar concepts of Good<angel> and Evil<devil>, which are really only the opposing sides of a two dimensional entity. Imagine a credit card--on the Good side you can buy lots of frivolous pretties, like Italian designer shoes (and enjoy the hell out of them. Happy feets!) But on the Evil side, you have to pay the debt or go into debtor's prison (where the couture is definitely not haute.) If you prefer to declare bankrupcy and escape the consequences of your deeds society as a whole has to pay the bill. And it tends to sour on that, so a few good guys (read SUCKERS) get stuck with the debts, while the slick fellas (read POLITICIANS) jump up on their soapboxes and drive the responsible, GODfearing masses into a frenzy. The politicians are very skilled at diverting the attention of masses toward emotionally charged issues while succesfully diverting from the real responsibilities of government so they can spend the money (read TAXES) in any way they see fit. The unfortunate part of all this is that the even vaster majority decides have no input or patience with the matter, and chose to bow out and have another cocktail. Garcon.... <bubbly> *hic*
Now it's no secret to those of us in the room that God has his foibles, although he has matured considerably with age and experience. He still has a good bit of work to do in the area of humility, and as a good mama should, I'm going to help him in that area. Don't get upset, Peetie honey. Think of this an an intervention meeting, people who love you and want to help you. Someone lock the door, please.
Now where was I? Oh yes--history. Does anyone here know the real story behind the Christian religion? God's ego demanded an awefilled worshipping audience. Like any teenager, unconditional love was not enough for him. He wanted material proof. His colossal ego would not be satisfied with 6 pairs of the trendiest tennies or a new stereo, or his very own phone line. He wanted fancy places of worship while his creatures lived in hovels. He wanted them to sacrifice their best lambs, while they subsisted on bread and water and the ocasional <fish> .
So he searched amongst his people and found the most self-serving of the lot. He explained to them that, if they became his earthly enforcers, they would have riches and pleasures beyond their wildest dreams. The deal was this: he'd lay down the law about the 10 percent tithe, and they would build the churches, terrorize the masses, and manage the cash flow. It was a brilliant scheme, {patting God on the head} because as he set it up for them, they could benefit the most from it while he achieved his ends. As leaders of the people they HAD to live in the finest houses and be able to entertain properly, in order to maintain their influence with the infidels. The trick was to make it appear that they would much rather live out their lives in a cave, undistracted by mundane matters so they could pursue spiritual enlightenment. But, as they were summoned to do God's bidding, they would put up with the inconvenience of wealth and comfort while trying not to complain. And they could use their influence in any way they pleased, and commit all the sins they wanted, as long as they didn't get caught. An angry congregation who had been depriving themselves for the ministers of the faith to line their pockets with would tear them to shreds, unless they had been properly emotionally castrated. God cautioned them to commit the occasional random act of kindness, and display charity once in a while, so nobody would doubt that their actions were for the wellbeing of all.
God knew that only some of the people could be conned into handing over their tithe without the threat of violence, so he created the concepts of Heaven and Hell. Heaven was to be the final reward for those who had successfully turned their backs to the temptation of earthly pleasures, and hell was the dungeon for those who didn't. The clincher was that there would be no proof of either until after death, so nobody could discover the hoax and come after his ministers with harmful intent. A leap of faith was the downpayment on that final resort in the sky, and a wavering of that faith would risk plunging them into Hell if death were to occur while not in a state of grace.
Now, Heaven and Hell really DO exist. God is not a complete scoundrel, he kept his end of the bargain. But humans are restricted from the areas which we immortals frequent. As he told his henchmen, "fellas, there's another sucker born every minute. Trust me, I programmed them that way." They conveniently left that little gem out of the Bible, didn't they?
The bugger is, they didn't think of the ramifications of an eternal afterlife where consciousness tends to be more of a curse than a gift. Heaven is a place where ALL needs are automatically taken care of and NO challenges are available. It is an essential component of human beings to meddle with their surroundings in order to better their situation. In Heaven that is not possible. It is, after all, Heaven. And the poor sods there can't get sick and die. They can't start a little war to liven things up, or even an argument, because it is a place of eternal peace. It is pointless to try to create anything, as all their needs are miraculously met. They have been blessed with a state of eternal, stultifying boredom. And no hope of escape.
Hell, on the other hand, is teeming with interesting people squabbling and trying to avoid the imps' pitchforks and sulferous pits, climbing over each other to get out of the messes they find themselves in. In fact, it is very much like Miami, except the beaches are too hot to walk on so the can't reach the ocean and there is no A.C. At least they have the comfort of their memories of life on earth--the wine, the women (or men--or both), the song... When the inhabitants of hell die (which happens pretty regularily, even more often than in Miami), they are recycled back onto the earth with no memory of their former life to begin the whole process again. Another one born every minute...
A little while ago Bob asked whether God planned the Earth's geography. Well, not exactly. But everything always works out for the best in this best of all possible worlds, and God's especially lucky that way. As I've already explained the creation of the cosmos, Heaven, and Hell, this is as good a time as any to go into that question. NO whispering in the back of the class, or I'll whack you with my ruler!
Initially God designed this planet with a single land mass and a lot of water. When we watched it spinning from a fixed point in space it looked like this: water...water...water...water...water...water...L A N D...water...water..water... It was a little too boring to be aesthetically pleasing. And, because it was unevenly balanced, God couldn't get the Earth to make a nice, regular orbit. It tended to wobble some, kind of like Bob did earlier on his way to and from the bar. God tinkered with it for a while, but couldn't get it tracking properly. In a fit of childish frustration he smote it with his mighty fist, *SMACK* in the middle of the LAND. This caused the Earth to tremble and the land mass cracked, split and began to drift apart. Eventually the continents more-or-less settled although they do still move around very slowly. The lucky thing was that the redistribution of weight evened out the orbit, so, once again, God came out on top.
The stress of gradual movement builds up over time and when released causes the earthquakes we occasionally experience. Although humans view this as disaster it is good for the planet as a whole. It needs to blow off steam, too.
You might not be aware of this, but the Earth is a living thing. It has a different level of consciousness than the parasites which inhabit it. As it is nearly immortal and doesn't exactly experience emotion, very few humans have recognized Earth as a living organism and it rarely notices our movements, either. Kind of like a person--teeming with bacteria at all times, but we only react to them when the bacteria do something harmful to the organism as a whole. Hurricanes, tornados, floods and volcanos are the result of Earth's immune system working to bring everything back into proper balance and curb the expansion of its parasites to a supportable population. Unfortunately, the parasites are highly adaptive, kind of like AIDS, and are doing their best to destroy their host.
5 Jan 2005
Peetie God has escaped from four (more) years of captivity at Prarie Chapel Ranch in Crawford, Texas. Dirty, bedraggled, malnourished and worn (picture Sadam after his period of living underground) he's crept out into the light of day once again, a broken and disfigured icon, but still personifying an irrepressable spark of the power of Love and Hope which he once held in the eyes of the Christian world.
In a brief interview with reporters he stated "It's been Hell, but now, with a lot of help from my faithful friends, I'm ready to get back to the basics and lead this world I created in manifesting the power of Love, and what it can do for us.
Looking directly at the crowd of reporters and paparazzi he said, " I'm gonna talk in symbols, now, gottit? SYMBOLS, to make things easier to comprehend for the average bloke, as opposed to The One and Only Way Things Are and Should Be Forevermore. OK?
So, symbol number one: I've been held in tight captivity by *spit* President Bush for a little more than four years. That's why you haven't heard from me. He keeps a VERY tight reign on communications going out of his kingdom, and in the Prarie Chapel Ranch the Word of God (tm)himself was not strong enough to get through, uncensored and unwarped, to the good-hearted people of America. <aside>That *really* pisses me off that he stole and subverted that catch-phrase from all the communications I was *trying* to get through his Spin Meisters. <grr>
Now, a big part of common symbology is that I'm God the Father. That's fine, as far as it goes. It's a huge simplification, ok? I don't actually *have* genitals, or testosterone, or a beard, for that matter. But if it makes it easier for y'all ;-) (learned to speak Texan during my internment) to wrap your minds around, then have at it. There's another part of your symbology which holds me as the testosterone-driven, power-hungry guy who arbitrarily made life a sheer misery for some people (and tried to foist off the idea that by being chosen for my torment they were Chosen People as long as they maintained faith in their fear of me, and that kinda thinking had its uses, too. Sure did help a lot of people to keep on going when the odds seemed to be stacked against them, didn't it? Now, one *could* suggest that the symbol in play there was just a depiction of the enlightened side of human perseverence in the face of the overwhelming and undiscriminating power of Nature, but I won't go there right now.
Then y'all have the symbology of Jesus and the whole new, improved Me of the New Testament. God as Love. Humph. I'll not ask why y'all thought that if I was Love I'd need to sacrifice my only Son to prove it (seems as if that kinda behavior would get me life in prison and possibly a death sentence nowadays, according to the laws of te land.... but then again, me being immortal, that wouldn't work so well would it?) So anyway, God has evolved. I went from being a heartless, power-hungry, punitive bastard with a colossal hangover to a more-or-less reasonable fella who laid down a bunch of rules, set some standards, and is willing to reward *or* punish based on how well y'all meet those rules. Basically, I'm a tough but fair Boss. I must point out, however, that if I'm willing to admit that *I* have evolved, then maybe it's time for some of y'all (in Kansas especially) to consider that teaching the Theory of Evolution is not somehow going against God's Will.
Another symbol for y'all: Mother Earth. The physical entity from which you are more-or-less inseperable. She's where you come from. She's what nurtures you in everything you do. She gives and gives and gives, and y'all take and take and take without considering the fact that you're wearing her out with your demands. She's at her wits end just trying to provide for your physical demands. There's no end to those in sight, and bottom line is, she *can't* get another job to gain resources to provide all the toys you want to play with, because that just isn't the way the Universe is set up. So some of the greedier, more conveniently placed of y'all aggressively hoarde and squander the majority of her goodies, and the rest suffer in silent or not-so-silent resentment. And y'all crawl all over her, doing whatever it is you're doing, mostly without a thought, and the stress and tension have given her a migrane. Now, when Momma Earth gets a migrane it takes more than Excedrin to relieve the pressure.
What do y'all think the earthquakes and tsunamis that ended last year were? Huh? That was Momma Earth vomiting, at last. All *sorts* of stuff came out with that eruption. But now it's time to get away from symbolic thinking and bring it home into yourself, into your heart. Right now. I escaped while Dubyah was trying to sort out exactly *how* chintzy he could get away with being, and *I*, Peetie God, was able to manifest my True, evolved, God-as-Love-and-Kindness Self through the outpouring of compassion, generosity, and genuine caring for people who you'll never know.
And here's the Truth, people. It was You who set Me free. It took a great tragedy for You to open your hearts enough to do so, but You did. All across the world, spontaneously,as individuals, without anyone needing to tell You that it was the 'right' thing to do. because You knew. And maybe now, for a little while, while You're hearts are still open and your minds aren't feeding selfish, dirty falsehoods to you about 'needing' to get material rewards for every act of decency you undertake, I want You, I ask You, and I *pray* to You to to be the epitome of what being humane, and Human, is. Every day, every moment, with every choice of Your life.
Harder to deal with, but still the Truth, is that it was You who put me in that prison from which only distorted, mangled fragments were able to escape. Not only in Prarie Chapel, Texas, but all over the world where You tried to hold me in, tie me down, and own me for yourselves and *only* yourselves. It doesn't matter which religion You practice (or don't), or what name You chose to call me by. I am in that core of You which transcends your physicality, call it what You will. And without your active participation I am trapped inside a shell of empty words and emptier ideals.
Like y'all, I want to live.
It'll be ok.
I have faith in You.