A Conversation for inject2g2
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Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE) Started conversation Aug 22, 2002
We got a Palm m130 a month or so ago, and I'm planning on getting a modem for it (the last month was an expensive one, though, what with moving, and the meet , so it may be awhile). When we do, I'll be sure to try this out! And I'll let you know how it works for me.
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Peregrin Posted Aug 22, 2002
I use two browsers for PalmOS. Blazer came free with the modem I bought, and has a shareware version, but ultimately has to be bought. It's a decent little browser, can handle the normal version of h2g2 fine, as long as you're prepared to wait.
AvantGo is the other browser. It's a cool utility that provides online and offline browsing. I use it mainly to download content and read it at my leisure - like the news, TV listings, that sort of thing.
What meetup did you go to btw? I've been out of touch with h2g2
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Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE) Posted Aug 22, 2002
I went to the Pennsylvania Dutch Meet (and boy, you must have been out of touch--I've only been talking about it for months! ) A658442 And I've written one part of my meet report--it was in last week's
A804944 (I haven't had time to do the next installment)
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