A Conversation for Mantids

Collaborative Writing Workshop: A809651 - Mantids

Post 1

Researcher 201186

Entry: Mantids - A809651
Author: Researcher 201186 - U201186

Small insects, known as praying Mantises. Can range between a few cm to as large as 12". Mostly harmless, but can bite through skin. Is an insectivore, will eat bugs on the ground or will catch in mid air while flying.
If you want a mantid they are available at specialist pet shops, and if you want to get rid of one simly encourage it to walk onto your and let it walk or fly outside. Do not kill them.

A809651 - Mantids

Post 2

Monsignore Pizzafunghi Bosselese

They also have ears (located somewhere around their knees) which can pick up the ultrasonic sounding signals of bats. Once alerted, they'll drop to the ground like a stone in order to avoid becoming prey smiley - smiley

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Collaborative Writing Workshop: A809651 - Mantids

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