A Conversation for Police Public Call Box: The Winner's Story


Post 1


I must admit to having given this probably a bit more thought than it warrants. When the show came back in 2005 it won a BAFTA; I don't think it's been nominated since. (A lot of these awards are political.) It's just one of those things...

The NTAs are different because they're a public vote, a popularity contest. I'm surprised the show didn't win, because the fanbase is legendarily dedicated. I suppose the question is whether this year the fanbase didn't bother to vote - they got complacent, 'we've won it for the past five years on the trot' - or if there was a concerted 'stop Who' campaign by fans of that soapy school thing.

I think the former is more likely. I also think it ultimately doesn't really mean anything, the show's still pulling in massive ratings, which is all it needs to do to justify its existence. The BBC can't afford to spend so much money on cult things (as the h2g2 community has recently become all too aware).

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