Campaign to rename h2g2: "h²g²"

1 Conversation

h²g² looks so much cooler! It looks hip and like a mathematical formula. And it would sure beat the crap out of Everything².

Frequently Raised Objections

If this was to actually happen, we could still type "h2g2" and everyone would still know what we mean. so the new name being harder to type wouldn't be an issue.

Another thing that shouldn't be an issue is the fact that some people's browsers can't see the squared symbol. The way to fix that is to get a new browser. smiley -
Yes, I know DNA Himself originally named the site. But I think if he were alive today, he would probably want to go with whatever the community decided on. The URL would of course not change at all.

Get involved

Whenever you refer to h²g², use the new name! It may be tedious to copy and paste, but it will catch on if we try hard enough. And tell your friends. The revolution is here.

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