Dr John Dee

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John Dee, astrologer to Queen Elizabeth 1 had a ife which was more like fiction than fact! Apart from his astrological predictions at Court, he became engrossed in magic and an entity whom he spoke of as an angel named Aiwass taught him to write in Enochian tongues.`
As was not unusual in these days he was also involved in alchemy and the idea of transmuting base metals into gold. When his activities, especially his involvement with this occult angel made him an object of suspicion by the clery Dee was obliged to flee with his wife and a fmale friend of dubious character.`
They were befriended by a Polish count who set themup in Krkow Poland where John Dee continued to be mentored/tormented by his spirit guide Aiwass. At times he flet he wished to break away from the occult but the spur was to learn more of the Enochian tongues.`
Aiwass told Dee that he must go to Austria to confront the Holy Roman EMperor and ask him to become a patron of the scheme to turn metals into gold. Imprisoned for a short time, he was later released and eventually in old age returned to England.

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