The Space Matrix

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Diagram showing binary stars

The space matrix is an elaborate matrix of paths throughout the entire solar system.These paths can be used to dramatically cut the amount of power needed by deep space missions to explore the universe.

A spaceship passing in front of a red planet

Conventional space missions use the slingshot effect,off stellar bodies,one at a time.But craft using the matrix,which resembles a complex arrangement of tunnels and passageways,take advantage of previously untapped gravitational relationships between the planets and moons.

Gravitational fields surround all planets and other steller objects.Where these fields meet they cancel each other out causeing a virtually zero gravity pathway between them.As there is no resistance on any objects that travel these pathways,once they start moving along them,they would just keep going.All that might be needed would be occasional fireing of the engines to alter course or to stop once the destination had been reached.

With the added advantage that use of the matrix would significantly reduce the costs of future space missions.

A Hubble telescope

The future could hold the possibility of permanent space outposts along these passageways,to serve as supply depots for future travellers in space.

A 24 hour diner in the shape of a loaf

Think of the possibilities,it would certainly make the chances of alien visitation more possible as they probably already know of the Matrix

The end of space by DoctorMO

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