A Conversation for Ancient Brit's GuideML - Test Centre
Re: No age Brit
Blue Bird Started conversation Mar 6, 2003
This is J. Wing to congratulate you for this most wonderful beautiful Guide Entry!
This is exactly what I am trying to do, but there were some side tracks involving other Researchers with problems and I did some entries for those people asking for help. I got nice Thank you-s and made me very happy. Than I had some other suggestiond about raising M O N E Y!!! in an other entry/ Yeah, have to find them, because I just got into " chatting".
I'll get back to the Guide Entry! Excellent job. Are you a computer WIZ no age Brit??? See you soon. Jung Wing
Re: No age Brit
PQ Posted Mar 7, 2003
GuideML is a pain to learn, most people learn by looking at the code behind other people's pages. For example the guideml for AncientBrit's excellent summary is at <./>test802919</.> Pheloxi's page's code is at <./>testuserpage170113</.> but it is a very complicated page which uses tables to create the formatting.
Which skin are you using? there are 4 skins in h2g2, goo (which is blue and green and very curvy), alabaster (which is white, green and orange), brunel (which is green, black, and red and very square looking) and plain (which is black and white).
When you edit your space using the brunel skin the most commonly used tags (for instance and to create a paragraph) are available as buttons along the top of the text box. You can change the skin you are using by clicking on the "Preferences" button at the top or the left side of your screen.
I hope this makes sense - I'm not very good with guideml even though I'm a computer about everything else.
Re: No age Brit
Blue Bird Posted Mar 8, 2003
Hello Pencil Queen as " Guest" at No Age Brit's Page.
As you see I am in the middle of a real turmoil at this time at h2g2.
Thank you for posting and understanding what I am going through. I came to No Age Brit because He kindly offered me to help with " pain killers" at the GuideML. True is painful especially when I have the most updated system, software to do a " fancy" Introduction, but I can not transmit to h2g2.
Anyway I did something to begin with: I changed my skin at My Space. After I deleted the previous text starting in December in alabaster. I am changing my identity as well with an other name, but I will bring everything out in the open when I can do it with GML.
I also have a most wonderful Guru Whoami? helping me but we ran out of space while Working with Homer.---I guess he reestablished it, and I will also go on line with him, if he can stand this pain *** in neck operation.
I looked up the photos you posted, they are very nice, very enjoyable.
I don't know how will I be able to send some pictures, which are very useful. Thanks again. Jung Wing.
I hope to get to the " masterig" of GML.
Re: No age Brit
Blue Bird Posted Mar 8, 2003
Dear No Age Friend: Ancient Brit!
I did something and I got scared: after I deleted the text on My Space from December, I changed my skin. From alabaster to this dark blue background: called classic goo?? Can you see it???
It is late again today, but tomorrow I will get to you first thing to work on the GML. Your test is very attractive and encouraging. Jung Wing.
Re: No age Brit
Ancient Brit Posted Apr 8, 2003
Jung Wing now Gecko
I should have picked this up much earlier.
You seem determined to learn GML.
I am not a computer wiz as you suggest, whoami and pencil queen are much better teachers than me.
This page is my learning page, but I only use it for fun. I don't bother with GML for my own Personal Space and only simple code is necessary for writing Guide Entries.
I keep looking a your space to see how you are getting on.
Your 'No Age' friend Ancient Brit.
Re: No age Brit
Blue Bird Posted May 23, 2003
I just wonder where are my friends? Not only they, but myself is lost some times. I think when a thread is broken--- hard to pick up again.
I don't pick up msgs eighter and is not always my fault. I am not the only one whith complains. Like to go ahead with a Guide Entry but I don't know where to enter it?
Who ever puts the GUIDE together definetly is not organized or programmed like people at other sites!!! Sorry, like to help, but I don't know how.
Because this is a broken thread, I am curious if No Age Brit will find it.??? Gecko
Re: No age Brit
Ancient Brit Posted May 24, 2003
Gecko - I found this Ok. Replied on other posting.
Click here F93219?thread=262085&skip=20&show20#p3509805
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Re: No age Brit
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