The Treetop Bed-In

3 Conversations

Should you find yourself wandering in the North Idaho woods, you might come across new path subtly marked out and leading to the right. After a few minutes of following and seemingly getting nowhere, the trail widens out. Gently glowing stakes burn at eye-level and lead onward invitingly. All of a sudden you find yourself face-to-face with a grand cedar. Upon this aromatic tree there is only a haphazard wooden ladder, and a sign simply inscribed with an upwards pointing arrow. All is pleasant, and benign seeming, so you venture upwards...

...and find a tree house, about 12 feet square. There is only one piece of furniture, a large inviting bed with white down pillows and comforters. Scattered about the room are opened wine bottles, some for drink, some used as receptacles for the candles that illuminate this gentle space.

Nyssabird sits in a modest white cotton gown, glass of cabernet in one hand, the other patting the bed as she smiles invitingly for you to come and sit, and chat a while as the forest birds sing a woodsy lullaby.

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