A Conversation for The Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy Character Poll

Mr. L Prosser

Post 1

Hapi - Hippo #5

Oh ,I know.. he IS not hero material, however being a direct male-line descendant of Genghis Khan should give him some credit and at least (probably the only one) my vote.
When I get to live in a nice little cottage,near a pub, I will hang axes over the door (certainly not climbing roses: AXES) as a tribute to all the Prossers of this universe who knew they should but never could.

Mr. L Prosser

Post 2


Actually I think Mr. L. Prosser is the victim of Post traumatic stress syndrom probably in response to violent toilet training or being sent to a boarding school to early in his life. The flash backs of Ghenghis Khan are just a mask for his anger at the loss he felt. If he would face up to his anger he might get on with his life and become a successfull proctocologist or dentist. Of course in the process of facing up to his anger there could be casualties. I like the axes though, they are a nice touch.

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