A Conversation for H2G2 Happy Tails Kennel


Post 1


Um... hi! I hear you sell cyber pets?


Post 2

Quille the cynic...TC

Yes? (I haven't quite worked out the details of selling them [providing them anyway] yet, but I guess we do smiley - smiley) How can we help? What would you like etc..

Quille the smiley - elf


Post 3


Well, I am a tortoise person, but failing that, anything that won't eat my plants- I cultivate an indoor jungle, you see.


Post 4

Quille the cynic...TC

tortoises eat plants don't they?..goes off to searcht he inventory..aww yes I might actually be able to find a tortoise somewhere..let me check..just wait there and feel free to have some smiley - cake..
Nice plants smiley - smiley

*commences the massive feat of looking for a tortoise..*

smiley - elf


Post 5

Quille the cynic...TC

currently the service is a bit slow so here..it's a blob you can put on your space (yes from the h2g2 pic library...sorry if you thought it would be more)
Just change the ALT="A tortoise" to have ALT="My Tortoise (insert name here), from the H2G2 Happy Tails Kennel"

the code..

Please fill out a comment card..

Pleased with the service?
Do business again?
Would you recommend us to others?
Improvements we can make?

Ta! You were our first customer so you get a special smiley - rose!

smiley - elf


Post 6


Pleased with the service? Absolutely.
Do business again? Well, maybe not just now- tortoises being by nature solitary creatures, I may give him a little time to adjust.
Would you recommend us to others? Certainly, and do.
Improvements we can make? Hmmm. At present none come to mind. I'll keep you posted.
Just dropping in to let you know that me and "Mithril" are getting along great. It took him a little while to get used to his new surroundings after the five star surrounds of the Happy Tales Kennel, but now I don't know how I ever lived without him.


Post 7

Quille the cynic...TC

smiley - smiley happily..Oh thanks soo entirely much smiley - smiley
Glad you enjoy it (sorry it's not the best..)
smiley - elf

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