Sak Bar, Greek Street London

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Spare, minimalist, deeply pretentious, yet oddly easy to relax in, Sak is one of those places that could only exist in Soho.

Bar staff are occasionally pretty and usually European, with that non-Brit-living-in-London smugness that the true Londoner will recognise immediately. Drinks are laughably expensive but hey, if you're surprised at the prices then you probably shouldn't be drinking there. It's no Opium, but £3.50 for a pretty average-tasting bottle of Portuguese lager strikes me as a price set by someone with a mischievous sense of humour.

Marvel! at the waterfall pane of glass. Shake your thing! to the funky aural nourishment. Get there! before 9 at the weekend, otherwise they charge you £8 to get in.

Oh yes, and the chairs look comfortable until you've sat in them for half an hour.

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