A Conversation for Railroad Tycoon II - Plum Loco

Peer Review: A789221 - Railroad Tycoon II - Plum Locos

Post 1


Entry: Railroad Tycoon II - Plum Locos - A789221
Author: Tam - U198534

Thisis an intro to a strategy computer game which moves away from the "Age Of Empires"-"Civilisation" pack. What do you think?

A789221 - Railroad Tycoon II - Plum Locos

Post 2

lw - ck

Although im not a scout or anything:

I thinkit quite good if short it needs it explaiing at teh start that it is a game for the PC, nowt should be changed to nothingsmiley - smiley

smiley - winkeye
smiley - angelCKsmiley - devil

A789221 - Railroad Tycoon II - Plum Locos

Post 3

Demon Drawer

Yes as avoid avoid using slang.

Also might a good idea to descibe the game in a bit more detail. IE the variuos modes of play and a little about the range of scenarios. Those based in the early industrial revolution days expanding power. THose war time scenarios re-laying track in Britain or defgending the Eastern Front for example and the imaginary scenarios in the made up palces.

Explain the importance of linking suitable trades by rail to help inhance profitablity etc

You can tell I play the game can't you. smiley - smiley

A789221 - Railroad Tycoon II - Plum Locos

Post 4


I agree with Demon Drawer on this, you need to go into more detail about the game, as the entry currently doesn't tell you very much.

For example, a mention of the time scale of the game, which encompasses the time of stephenson's rocket, to the more modern electric trains of today, and part way into the future. I can't remember the actual dates here.

You also don't mention how it differs from the original Railroad tycoon, or that Sid Meier created it. Also, you mention his games, without explaining what sort of games they are, which could confuse people who aren't familiar with them. In fact, you don't mention that they are computer games at all.

I think the subject has potential, but it need to be improved quite a bit before it is ready for the edited guide.

A789221 - Railroad Tycoon II - Plum Locos

Post 5


Thanx for the tips. Ive made some changes and additions and will make more. Tell me what you think when you've time.


A789221 - Railroad Tycoon II - Plum Locos

Post 6

Global Village Idiot


I've wasted more hours than I care to remember playing RRTII (& TSC), so I was intrigued to see your article, and it's a good start.

I think you should explain that the game has a number of different measures of success, and which one you use depends on which scenario you're playing - in some it's to connect different points on the map, sometimes to haul a certain number of loads of cargo, to make a personal fortune or to build up the company's worth by investing in industry. Sometimes it's simply to schedule the route of one particular train in the most efficient way you can manage. I love the fact that it's so many games rolled into one.

I also think you could mention that, just like a real transport system, the way to make RRTII work best is by integrating different functions, and creating chains of delivery. Deliver iron and coal to a steelworks to get steel; deliver that steel to a tool and die factory to make goods; deliver the goods to a city and complete the chain. It needs John Prescott's favourite "joined-up thinking".

You could even include a section of general hints for good game play - for instance, how the acceleration of your engine can be more important than its top speed, how using an odd number of goods cars makes the "hold until half full" option work more efficiently, or how starting cautiously and selling your shares at the height of the boom can give you the cash to bankrupt your opponents by short-selling in a depression. I'm sure you've come up with a number of such strategies yourself too.

Finally, check your spelling, eg "empier".

Good luck with it,


A789221 - Railroad Tycoon II - Plum Locos

Post 7


Any progress Tam? as it's been quiet some time since your last post to this thread. If you've decied to leave things on this entry for a while could you please move it out of PR (by going to the main pr page) looking for your entry in the list and clicking on remove next to it! there simple?

If you have made some changes then do let us know I'd love to see them

smiley - magic

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