A Conversation for Sporting With Egon Archive


Post 1


I've written quite a few articles in the last nine months, haven't I?


Post 2

Post Team

Yes... and a jolly good show you've made of it for us too. smiley - cheers

shazz smiley - thepost


Post 3


I really hadn't realised I'd written that much- i don't go back through my guide entries list much, so it did surprise me. Oh, I've started work on mychrist,mas in massachussets piece (only took me 2 1/2 months to get going), and once I've finished, I'll leave it up to you when to publish it, but it may need to be in bits, as it's promising to be a bit long to be all in one go. And hopefully I'll get round to scanning some photos in somewhere around easter.

Also: a possible Sporting special in a couple of weeks: On Wednesday 2nd April i am actually going to the England v Turkey football match here in Sunderland, so for the week after, i may do a special report on the game, OK?


Post 4

Post Team

Sounds good to me - and the travelogue sounds great too... Psycho's finishes in about 2 weeks, and I have some more from Pseudemys in the pipeline, but he's over in Aussieland. smiley - winkeye

shazz smiley - thepost


Post 5


well, it probably won't be finished until after easter (while home for easter I'm going to abuse the facilities in my Dad's office by scanning the photos, which include one hilarious one of me with my christmas dinner- shrimps (prawns to us) , unpeeled, seemingly holding lobster balls. Very strange). if I email you a selection of pgotios, you cand ecide which may be appropriate, OK?


Post 6


by "pgotios" I do, of course, mean "photos". I just can't type.


Post 7

Post Team

Yes smiley - smiley

After Easter sounds about right to me smiley - smiley

Try to decide how many episodes you can break it down into - we are allowed up to 3 pictures per article. Although too many 'personal' ones are frowned on - the Towers don't want h2g2 to end up as a repository for endless holiday snaps any amusing ones (like your Christmas Dinner for example) are fine as are scenic and informational ones.

Basically, if you send them over then I can let you know which are suitable and which not, plus make sure they are of a reasonable 'loading' size for a Post page. smiley - ok

shazz smiley - thepost


Post 8


well I was planning the christmas dinner, plus mainly scenic ones (eg view of Boston from the top of a skyscraper, picture of Harvard University, Salem, Boston Common etc.


Post 9


I'll make a decision on episodes once I've finished writing it. maybe about four or five, so i cover a couple of days an episode, perhaps?


Post 10

Post Team

Excellent smiley - smiley

shazz smiley - thepost


Post 11


right, you should see that sometime this year then. smiley - winkeye


Post 12

Post Team

I'll look forward to it! Now, I better get on with <./>thepost</.> I suppose smiley - winkeye

shazz smiley - thepost


Post 13


Might be an idea.

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