Wheatless Pie Dough

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Wheatless Pie Dough

Note that this crust must be baked before filling.

What you'll need: [Makes 2 crusts]

  • 1 cup cornstarch
  • 1 cup finely milled rye flour
  • 1 cup fine dry cottage cheese
  • 1 cup chilled butter
  • 1 teaspoon of salt
  • 6 teaspoons of water

What to do

  1. Sift the cornstarch and rye flour together 4 times into a bowl. Be sure in between siftings to toss the mix
  2. Mix the cottage cheese, butter and salt together
  3. Gradually mix the cheese mixture into the flour mixture. this can be done with a food processor, a pastry blender or by hand. To do so by hand, slowly work the cheese mix wit the finger tips into the flour mix on a large flat suface or in a broad bowl. Continue to slowly add the cheese mix until the pastry forms pea sized pellets.
  4. Turn this mixture onto a large flat surface and slowly mix in the water until the dough can easily form into a ball
  5. Do not handle the pastry too much. Air gets into the pastry making it light and flaky. This is good. If you work the pastry too much the air will get beaten out of the mix.
  6. At this point, cut the pastry in half and chill the dough for 2 hours
  7. Roll the dough from the center outward with a lightly floured rolling pin on a lightly floured wooden board
  8. .
  9. Roll the doughto a 1/8 inch thickness or less
  10. Cut an 10'' circle in the rolled pastry; the best way to do this is to lay the 9" pie pan face down on the pastry and cut around it, leaving 1" around the edge.
  11. Once cut, prise half of the pastry from the board and fold it over the other half, lift the whole pastry from the board and place the fold over the pan and open it.
  12. Press the pastry into the pie pan to remove any air from between the pie and the pan, but be sure your fingers are slightly floured otherwise the pastry will stick to your hands.
  13. Prick the bottom and sides well
  14. Bake at 425 for 12-15 mintues and allow to cool completely

Back to Friar's Blueberry and Cherry Pie.

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