God is a Nascar Fan

1 Conversation

Yes friend, the Lord God almighty is a Nascar fan. And not just nascar, but all racing. now all of us women ask ourselves why men enjoy Nascar racing. I mean come on, it's just a bunch of cars going around in a circle hundreds of times.
Then i found it, Racing is in the bible. Honest to God truth.
here's some of the things I found:

1) Adam and Eve were the beginning of the human RACE
2) God separated the people into RACES
3) paul and the other disciples ran to the tomb of jesus, but you know that it was a race becuase there was that whole section about how that other guy beat paul to the tomb.
4) (ok, so this one isn't in the bible but it makes sense) God put the races on on sunday so that you could pray for your favorite drivers during church, have a chicken dinner afterwards and still make it home in time for the race.

Lord be Praised and oh by the way, I could lick you'all if you wanna race.

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