The Post Top Ten
Created | Updated Jul 11, 2002
The Post Top
Everyone has things they like and dislike, and so we at The Post have devised a cunning plan to find out what these are; by bringing you (roll of drums) The Post Top Ten.
We will provide you with a title, and hopefully you will provide us with the material to fill this space, and at the end of two weeks, we will compile everyone's list together, to come up with 'The Post Top Ten' for that subject.
E-mail your Top Ten lists to [email protected], remembering to include your name and researcher number. We will publish some of the replies we receive; I look forward to hearing from you.
I will not be here next week, so the first lot of lists will not be published until two weeks today, but please do send them, as they will await my return, E-mails are nice like that.
Favourite Things in the h2g2
This week I decided to give you the chance to compile your Top Ten list about something you all hopefully have views about. So without further ado, the third Top Ten List will be your Top Ten Favourite Things to have appeared in the h2g2 Post.
Over the years the Post has been running, it has featured many articles and columns, and here is your chance to tell me what you like or liked best. Be it golden oldie's or a more modern contributor, write and tell me about them, any comments about your choices, would as usual, be greatly appreciated. If you can't compile a Top Ten, then send in your best five, all input is greatly appreciated, so give it a go.
Have a browse through the Back Issue's or take a peek at the hundreds of articles in the Post Archive's, I am sure that there is something to please everyone, so tell me about it.