Administrator's Office

6 Conversations

So, you’ve come to the administrator’s office of the SPC. Read on!

An intimidating plain door with large black letters spelling out “Administrator’s Office” rises up before you, after the initial rush and confusion of the teleporting system has taken hold. You reach out your hand and grab thee gray doorknob. Turning it and pulling out the door to open it, a waft of cool air seeps out.
As you step into the room, you notice that it, unlike the door, is very colorful and amazingly full. It’s not exceptionally large, and gives the impression of wealth with care. The walls are a light, soothing lemony yellow with stencils of flowers covering wherever dark wooden shelves don’t (which, admittedly, isn’t much). It’s the kind of room that despite however long you have to stay there, you’d never be able to see everything. The kind of room that’s full, but not cluttered and in some kind of strange order.
Papers are stacked semi-neatly on a gigantic claw-foot desk along with a computer and more electronic equipment than most people possess. Someone is leaning back in a large brown leather chaise, reading a book (that happens to cover her face.) There are a couple of comfy-looking chairs and low tables around the office and everything is lit in a soft light. You take a step towards an interestingly carved and bejeweled trunk, when the person reading the book notices you and sits up, putting her book on the chaise beside her.
It is indeed a young girl (of about age 13 or 14, but looking quite a bit older). She stands up and is about 5’8”. She has short dark-blonde hair, bluish green eyes, and a relatively light complexion. She’s average build and is wearing loose khaki cargoes and blue cotton T-shirt with white lettering saying “Confusion is Good!”
“Oh..oops..erm..hi. I didn’t see you, sorry. My name is Quille. Can I help you? I’ll try to answer your questions, but as I’m generally confused it is not likely to be correct or make any sense at all. Comments, suggestions, and problems of all types are welcome. To join up please choose the ‘sign me up’ thread and an example of the information requested will be the first post. Anything else-please post it as well.” She says, standing up and sticking out her hand in the formal handshake gesture of new acquaintances.
Just then another girl appears in the center of the room. She looks almost exactly like the other girl, but somehow more REAL. She’s wearing a neon orange shirt with blue letters across the front spelling “Yes, I’m inordinate! What’s it to you?” and a mottled yellow hat (the kind with a brim all the way around that can fold up [I’ve been informed that this is called “slouch” style]) with dark orange daisies scattered in the foreground. She’s also wearing orange and yellow striped toe socks without any apparent shoes.
“Hi! Actually, the other is my anamatronic look-alike. It comes in quite useful sometimes. I just normally call it Q2. Everything it said, did, and appeared to be is I (except I’m not written in any computer language as far as I can tell). Well, except that I would NEVER read the Yearling by Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings again. I mean EVER! School has ruined that for me…” She says as she picks up the book that the anamatronic Q2 had been reading and places it in a nearby trashcan. “Don’t even know how that got into the library. Actually, I do, but that’s not the point. The point is that I am Quille (or at least go by that name in a few places) and I’m here to help you join, solve problems, answer questions, embellish stories, and generally explain the inexplicability of the School for the Perpetually Confused. Not that I’ll be much help, but please post and I’ll try to get back to you as quickly as possible.” She says smiling reassuringly as she leads you to a comfy chair. “ Please sit. Take a load off. Have some <chocolate>. Drink some <tea> or the bar is always open. We even have a food bar! Mind the <sheep>. He’s in a foul mood today.

Currently 4 Members! Yes, you heard it correctly 4 semi-mentally stable people have now joined my school. Evens my instability out, I guess ;) .

They are:

Self-Paradoxical God of Uncertainty

Peter the girl aka cymbeline - Teddy Bear and Aquamarine expert and her School of the Perpetually Confused room- A783885 check it out if you have a care to.



<hug> to ya three since you'll be the only ones reading this (that is if you do.)

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