Apres Ski

2 Conversations

"Après" means after, and ski doesn't need to be explained, does it? (If you really don't know, take a look here)

So what is "Après ski"?

It's the best way to finish a perfect skiing/snowboarding day.

Most vacationers go on skiing holidays for one week. Assuming they want to have some energy left for the next skiing day, they shouldn't go to bed that late. And this is the purpose of Après Ski lodges!
After finishing their last run, skiers/snowboarders go there and stay till dinner1 . So they'll be in bed not too late and on the next morning fresh for some great new runs!

Where to go?

Normally, Après-Ski Lodges are situated just at the end of the slopes, down in the valley. Usually these small shacks or huts are decorated with mountain accessories.

If one wants real "Après Ski", Austria is the place to go. Best places are the "Mooserwirt" in St. Anton, and the "Kuhstall" in Wagrain (Sportsworld Amadée, near Salzburg).


Most of the Huts play special party music. It's about the same style played in the discos on Mallorca. Most of the lyrics concern alcohol, party and sex (what a surprise).

How to do it?

  1. Put your ski somewhere they will be easily found, even if it's dark then
  2. Get some money...you will have to pay the taxi to get home later...
  3. Go in and search a free space at the bar. Don't sit down, as that will not be that much fun!
  4. Get something to drink.
  5. If you're alone, search some other crazy guys and join them.
  6. Get something to drink.
  7. ...get something to drink for/from the nice girl/boy/other next to you...
  8. Sing along. Even if the lyrics are German, there won't be any difficulty. Believe me.
  9. Start a polonese2
    . You won't have problems finding people who join you. Be the first in the chain, as it is easier to pick the cutest girls/boys out of the crowd
  10. Start some drinking games with the guys you picked out earlier.
  11. If you're male: don't forget that you have to pay the drinks! (good for you, girls!)
  12. Get phone numbers.
  13. Continue to party
  14. If the hut closes or your dinner is calling: get a taxi to drive home. A good idea is to have your address on a paper, so the driver still can get you home...
  15. Better: get invited to someone else's house!

1 There are also some discotheques where you can stay the whole night, but this is not the real "Après ski"2a lot of people just walk in a chain through the place...simply place hands on the SHOULDERS of the person in front of you

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